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I did some research...

For my school science project I decided to test the effects of soda on stomach tissue. Therefore, I read some articles about the subject in order to research what the problems with soda might be. Below is what I discovered.


The article “Can I Drink Soda If I Have Acid Reflux?” talks about how drinking soda can cause acid reflux or make it worse. Reflux is caused when the esophageal sphincter does not close. This makes stomach acid rise and create burning in the throat and chest. A main ingredient in soda is phosphoric acid, which causes stomach acid to rise, and therefore leads to reflux. This can put people at risk for permanent damage to the stomach lining and even cause cancer.


In “Effects of Sodas on Your Stomach” some of the same problems are discussed. However it also focuses on peptic ulcers. An ulcer is sores that are in someone's stomach that may bleed and cause medical complications. Symptoms may include stomach pain, throwing up blood, and weight loss. Drinking soda can make ulcers worse or cause them by eroding stomach tissue, like reflux. Both articles recommend that people with these conditions stop drinking soda entirely.


According to an article titled “Coca-Cola Highly Effective in Treating Painful Stomach Blockages” drinking soda is not always bad, though. Researchers from Athens University found that Coke is highly effective in treating gastric phytobezoar. This is a stomach blockage usually caused by fruits that are hard to digest. Treatment often includes lasers, endoscopies, and surgery. However researchers have had a 90% success rate in using the soda to digest fruit fiber. As a result, most doctors now favor this treatment over surgery.


The hypothesis for my science project is that drinking soda damages and deteriorates people’s stomachs. Even though the Athens University study shows that soda might have some benefits, my research seems to prove that my hypothesis is correct. However I hope my project will show people visually how soda harms the stomach.

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