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I set up my experiment, gathering the tools needed, setting up my samples

I tried to think of what I could use to test my hypothesis, since obviously I could not use human stomach. 


I decided to use tripe (cow stomach).  Also I tried to think of the different combinations to test for, and how to compare the samples to a "control" which I decided should be water since it does not have any carbonation, sweeteners or coloring.


Equipment: I used mason jars to store my samples in our refrigerator.  The other equipment I used was a scale that could weigh samples to the precision of hundredths of a gram along with a special sample tray, tongs to easily take out samples and to put on the scale, paper towels to dry the samples so the weight could be correctly read, and finally I used the following fluids for my tests:

  • Coke

  • Diet Coke

  • Sprite

  • Fanta

  • Seltzer

  • Flat Diet Coke

  • Flat Sprite

  • Water


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